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                        	Monroe Food Lion
N Martin Luther King Jr Blvd & Weddington Rd
Monroe, NC 28110

Outparcels available at new Food Lion anchored shopping center in Monroe, NC.  The development is located in an area of town currently experiencing residential growth and is located along the designated retail corridor between Wesley Chapel and Monroe.



  1 mi. 3 mi. 5 mi.
Population 2,768 26,329 51,763
Daytime Population 361 13,233 24,904
Households 967 9,539 18,375
Avg HH Income ($) 81,732 80,781 100,051
Med HH Income ($) 72,861 71,071 82,227
Median Age 36 37 37
% College Educated 32 31 33


County: Union County
Type: Retail
Total SF: 99,000

Vice President of Leasing

Lauren Hansen
2825 South Blvd, Suite 300
Charlotte, North Carolina 28209
p.  704.319.4937
c.  704.641.9455
f.   704.365.3215

Leasing Representative

Molly Morgan
2825 South Blvd, Suite 300
Charlotte, NC 28209
p.  704.319.4936
c.  602.228.7858
f.   704.365.3215
license #   277232, 88419

Printable Version

Monroe Food Lion

  Coming Available
Current Tenants
100 Food Lion 35,000 SF

Monroe Food Lion

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